“Some say that we’re crazy to go away from home
to a far and distant land where there’s souls to be won….”
(The Mission Song, c. 2010 The Templet Family)
It’s true! There are some who thought we were crazy for leaving it all behind, others who said “why don’t you just preach in America?”, others who said “that’s not what the Lord wants you to do”, others yet who thought we were foolish and taking big risks to come to a third world country to tell people we’d never met about a God who loves them and died to bring them salvation.
LOL!! That’s right…I’m laughing out loud!!! Maybe we are foolish, crazy, risk takers, but WOW!! What a great time it’s been for 7 1/2 years now since we stepped into the unknown!!!! How God has moved!! How He has set people free! How He has touched hearts who had never felt His presence and power before! How He has shown His love to a small child who had not known love! How He has healed sicknesses for which there was no cure! How He has been victorious when the devil spoke to me in a voice outloud saying “Get out of Ecuador”, Jesus showed Himself Almighty, and All Powerful!!! How He has made demons flee at the very mention of His name!!! How He has protected us every step of the way!
So yes, LOL!!!!!! I’m laughing in the face of the enemy!!! And I’m laughing with the joy of the Lord for how Mighty and Big and Awesome our God is and how great this life is that He has given us here!! I’m crazy about my Jesus!!!!!