Today we worked in the garden at our Puyupungo church. I love getting my hands dirty and searching for beautiful yucca that have grown underneath the ground. Our sugar cane are enormous (many about 11 feet tall), our banana trees are gigantic (about 20-25 feet tall, but they take about 9 months to produce one head and then the plant dies after that, but it has left behind many ‘baby’ plants that continue growing and will produce), and our pineapples are just huge and beautiful! We have 19 that are nearly ripe right now (a pineapple takes a minimum of 1 year to produce just one pineapple). Today, we harvested many things, yucca, 3 huge heads of oritos (baby bananas, each head contains about 120 or so baby bananas), and sugar cane. We also planted more, too.
It’s just like souls…. there is a process, sowing the seed, watering the plant, caring for and nurturing it and then reaping the harvest we have sown. Both require work and effort and much patience to watch it sprout, bud and grow into something so beautiful, but both are so very rewarding that it’s absolutely worth it all!!!