There is nothing more beautiful to me than children praying and crying in the presence of the Lord. Tonight’s service at Puyo was just that! Esmeralda is only 6, and her family does not come to church, but every chance she gets, she is here and she always weeps in His presence. Mayde is 10. Her dad passed away last year and her mother gave her and her siblings away to her grandparents. Mayde also comes to church alone. She loved on Jesus tonight. Joselyne and Olivia are 14 and 12. They wept and wept as they felt Jesus tonight.
The children in our churches are not orphans, but they live in homes where they must be the parent. Several of these children work jobs. They also care for their homes, cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, taking care of younger siblings. And none of their parents serve the Lord. Most are involved in witchcraft, so the children face strong spiritual battles in their homes. And they come to church only when they are permitted to. Please pray for our children. They love Jesus so much! Nothing more beautiful and special than to see them here loving on Him!
Amen!!! Jesus is moving in our children!! It is so wonderful and marvelous, Yes!!!
Wow! Thank You, Jesus! Que maravilloso!