I heard two people talking the other day, and the young woman said, “I’m going to Hell, aren’t I?” Her young friend’s response, with a big smile on his face was, “I’ll save you a seat.” People so casually talk about Hell as if it’s a place of living it up, sheer fun, and just one big party. Please do not be deceived. You could not be more WRONG!
The Party is in Heaven!! There’s dancing on streets of gold, laughter, joy, singing, shouting, celebration, no hate, no jealousy, no anger, no bitterness. Everyone just having a big time!!!! A heavenly hoedown!!!!
But the Bible tells us that the rich man, who went to Hell (in the book of Luke 16), was tormented in the flame of that place. Hell is a place of weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13, 24, 25, Luke 13). It’s a place of outer darkness (Matthew 8 and 25). Matthew 13 calls it a ‘furnace of fire’. Revelations (chapter 19 and 20) calls it a lake of fire and brimstone and chapter 20:15 says, “And whosoever was not found written in the Lamb’s Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.”
Hell is not a party! It is a place of eternal torment, by the devil and his angels, where there is no relief…..EVER. This is why I beg souls to serve the Lord; This is why I cry out for my friends to give their lives to Him; This is why I pray and fast for family; This is why I do what I do. I want to save you from a burning Hell, my friend. Give your life to Jesus today (Acts 2:38) and join the Party in Heaven!!