Yesterday I made visits to the families in Yantana. There are many families in which the children are the only ones who come to church. So I especially went to visit and invite the parents. Raquel’s family was one of those. Her mom was home and I talked to her about Jesus and how wonderful it is to serve Him. She didn’t seem to have much interest in the church or knowing more about the Lord. But as we talked, her precious Raquel came home from school, and I hugged her and loved on her a minute. And Raquel stayed for our conversation. Her mom said that yes, Raquel and her siblings have begged her and their dad to come to church with them, but they just didn’t. So I hugged Raquel up to me, and I softly asked her, “Raquel, how do you feel that your mom doesn’t come to church with you?” And her response was more than any words could have ever said. Raquel just burst into tears! She cried and cried and buried her head into my arms. I gently said, “Nancy, it affects your children so much more than you realize”. Raquel’s tears were more effective than my words could have ever been, as her mom began to weep, also. And she allowed me to pray with her and she cried and asked forgiveness from the Lord. As I left, she said that maybe it’s time her and her husband come to church with the children and change their lives. Oh, the love of that child for her mom and dad. Oh, her love and desire that they know Jesus!! Her tears spoke a mountain of words! And I know that Jesus Himself was so moved by Raquel yesterday!