The other day at Puyupungo church, during the service while everyone was worshiping and praying and dancing and enjoying the presence of the Lord, Sisa, too, was crying and worshipping beautifully. I went by to pray for her and she said she felt the presence of the Lord powerfully. A short time after that, Sisa opened her eyes for a minute and when she did, she said, standing very close to her, near the front of the church, she saw a man, and he was dressed in all white and he was standing there near her and he was clapping his hands! I said, Sisa “Jesus is in the church with us. When we are worshipping and we say “Jesus is here”…He REALLY IS! and I believe you saw this vision, a man in white clapping his hands, as a way of showing you that and showing you that he was very happy that we were worshipping Jesus as we were!”
Praise the Lord!! There are angels of the Lord all over here with us!! I’m so excited for what the Lord is doing in Ecuador!!!!
How Beautiful! If we can all just have the faith of a child. God does and will let us know of his presence. What a ministry and testimony this young child has. God Bless!