Once again, what a blessed time I had in the U.S. during my stay last month!! I drove many miles in my little SUV :-), ministering in several churches all over, and raising funds for our beautiful Puyo church that we are constructing now. But oh, how the Lord poured out of His spirit in our services and what a great Holy Ghost time I had every where I went. The Lord moved mightily and did many wonders and miracles not just in the services, but even as I travelled on the road, too! Hallelujah!
I’m so thankful to all the churches who hosted me, and gave me the opportunity to share beautiful testimonies of our work in Ecuador with them. I was blessed so much, personally, by each of you! We do have some wonderful supporters and we thank the Lord for all of you!
Yes, it was a wonderful trip to the U.S., but I am so happy to be back in the jungle, continuing a work for Jesus to win these beautiful people, to Reach Ecuador, One Soul At A Time!!