Feeding the hungry is doing the works of Jesus. (Matthew 25) But, there is so much poverty where we live that we hear the words, “I’m hungry” on a nearly daily basis, from the beautiful children here. Yet, many people feel as if they can’t afford to help, that they can’t give enough to make a difference. The bread the children are eating in this photo costs 15 cents a piece. Just 15 cents, and you can give a child, who would otherwise have nothing to eat all day long, a piece of bread. So don’t ever think that a small amount is not enough. For little is MUCH, when God is in it!
You can be the blessing that will prevent that child from going to sleep at night with his belly growling and aching in pain from hunger, for you can fill his belly with a piece of bread and bring him some nourishment. A huge difference. And it only takes just 15 cents!