This picture is the view from the platform in the Puyo Church. When the expansion is complete, our church will be double the size it was. This is an incredible blessing because our original church was filled to capacity, with people standing. But when I am on this platform and look out, I do not see numbers. I see generational curses broken, healings, deliverance; I see peace where there once was turmoil, families restored, sins washed away, forgiveness, joy, hope; I see love. I know their stories. I’ve held them as they’ve cried. I’ve been in their homes in the wee hours of the night casting out the evil spirits that were tormenting them.
And when I look from this platform, I also see potential Pastors, Teachers, Youth Leaders, Singers, Musicians, and even Missionaries! What I see is the Word of God being fulfilled. I see a vision that has come to pass, the dream given by the Lord being made reality, the Call being completed. To read it is one thing, but to live it, love it, see it in action is transforming!! I stand in awe of all that God has done and is still doing here in beautiful Ecuador! And I am so honored to be a part of it all!
Thank you for your service may God be known through your teaching to all and satan be defeated