I saw him out of the corner of my eye. He was on crutches walking past the church. The service was about to end, but I began playing a song and singing, inviting people to come to the altar and pray. Hearing the music, he immediately stopped. I continued singing as the Presence of the Lord swept through the church. He stood there watching in the distance and listening. I motioned for others to continue the music and I walked outside to greet this man, inviting him to come in. His clothes were tattered and torn; it had probably been some time since he had had a bath. But it didn’t matter because I saw a beautiful soul that Jesus had sent our way!
I helped him come inside. And then explained to him what was going on, telling him about the love of Jesus and the plan of salvation. He began to weep. He said, “I am not worthy to be in this place.” My heart broke. I assured him that NONE of us are worthy, but Jesus loves all of us anyway and this was exactly where he should be!! On his own, he put his crutches aside and got down on his knees right in the middle of the floor, calling out to God, telling Him how sorry he was for the terrible life he had lived, sobbing and asking for forgiveness. My heart was so moved as he cried out and I was so thankful to get to be part of such a life changing moment for this man. I’m certain that we could almost hear the angels in the distance, rejoicing with us over another soul that had repented; someone who was just passing by, until God stopped him in his tracks!
Luke 15:10 “Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.”