As I’ve said before, in some of the pictures I post, you cannot ‘see’ the whole story. That is the case with this photo. We were able to bless several people with much needed glasses in a recent giveaway after service at Talin church. That’s the part which is evident.
But, here is what you cannot see. A little 10 year old child so hungry for God that when she heard the beautiful music ringing out from our church and filling the air some 2 blocks down the road at her home she came running quickly to see what is was all about. Since we have no air conditioning in the building, the windows are left open during service to have air circulation. Knowing that she didn’t have permission from her parents to come inside, Samantha entered the small gate and just quietly stood outside the open window for the entire service. And all the while, Jesus was working on that child’s heart! After service, talking with her that day, and hearing the reason she didn’t come in, I said we’d pray that Jesus would touch her parents heart. And that’s exactly what He did! The following week, they gave her permission, and she proudly came in and walked right up to the front row!! Oh how she loves church and how Jesus is moving on her as she weeps in the services!! She’s been coming for a little over a month now. She plays tambourine as we sing and praise Jesus and she has a servant’s heart, always wanting to help with anything she can. Just last week, she brought her cousin with her, too!
There are so many beautiful things about this story. The freedom most of us have to go to the Church of our choosing, His love for us, Him honoring our faithfulness and the beauty of His presence. It is not contained inside the church building. It’s outside looking in, it’s walking down a jungle trail, it’s riding in the vehicle, it’s walking through your local Walmart. He is everywhere. And He is calling to whosoever will.
My heart is so full of joy every time I see Samantha in church. I beam with pride to see her wearing her new glasses and reading her new Bible that we gave her. I’m so thankful that His Presence called out to Samantha and that she responded to Him. I know that Jesus has so much in store for this precious child!