I had went to pick up these children for Bible study at Puyupungo church, but it appeared that no one was home. I waited about 10 minutes and when nobody came out, I just went on to the church. I started the study and after we got into a good bit, here walked in these 2 boys, Tailor and Bryan. They then told me what happened. They said they had gone to the river to bathe, and when I arrived at their house, they were still at the river. As they heard me beep in my little blue truck and then later pull off, they knew they had missed their ride. But that didn’t hinder them. They finished up and got ready, crossed the river, and started the long walk to the church. They arrived tired but that didn’t matter! As we learned the Word of God, the Holy Ghost began to fall, and these 2 boys just let Jesus have his way! They’ve been filled for about 2 months now, and they got another tremendous blessing in the Spirit this day! I stood there weeping watching them. I was hearing the beautiful sound of them speaking in tongues, and yet, knowing the sacrifice they had made to be there, but seeing such great desire and passion in them for the Lord! Whew! It sure moved me deeply! So much so that I had to record them!! These 2 precious boys have no idea how very much they blessed me this day!