What you see in this picture is 5-year-old Keren basking in the Presence of Jesus. What you don’t see is her heritage. Her legacy is that of witchcraft. Her grandmother was a witch. That was passed on to her mother, who at 8 years old was literally ordained to be a witch by the ritual of laying on of hands of other witches, imparting evil spirits into her.
That was what the enemy had planned for Keren, too. But thankfully, her mom decided to break that generational curse by renouncing witchcraft and being filled with the Holy Ghost, bringing Jesus into their family! It only took one person making the decision, taking a stand, to change the future of this family! Her dad (pictured here with her) is full of the Holy Ghost, as is her 11-year-old brother Mateo (also next to her in the altar) who is our church drummer and full of talent and anointing!
ONE person can change the destiny of an entire family! Let Jesus use YOU to change yours!