Sis. Yolanda and her nearly 90 year old mom, Cristina Raquel, whom we affectionately call “Grandmother”, looked so beautiful dressed alike for service at Puyupungo Church. But even more than that, I was so moved by something Sis. Yolanda had done.
She often picks wildflowers from her yard in the jungle and makes gorgeous arrangements with which to bless the Church. (She is incredibly talented). On this day, she told me she does it because she doesn’t want to just show up at Church, empty handed, and say ‘Okay, God, I’m here to get my Blessing’. Instead, she wants to bring something with her that she can offer to the Lord.
She has already given Him her heart (she is full of the Holy Ghost!) but she wants to offer her gifts and talents as well. I am moved so deeply each time I see her bring her flowers. I think we should all have that same beautiful attitude. Let’s bring something to His house, our praise, our humble heart, our worship, our song, our encouragement, our compassion for others, and yes, maybe even a bouquet of flowers.