Afraid Of A Tarantula?
Sunday, 16 May 2010
by Charles
The community of Talin is known for having the most tarantulas. Big, hairy brown ones and big, hairy black ones! Two weeks ago, we went to service on Saturday at Talin. We sang, danced to God, preached the Word, had a beautiful altar service, and the moment we said “Dismissed”, 4 year old Mirian ran
Maritza, the Witch’s Granddaughter
Friday, 07 May 2010
by Charles
Maritza is 15 years old. She lives in the jungle community of Jatari, which is right next to our Puyupungo church. Maritza started coming to our church about a year and a half ago. And she fell in love with the message of God, one she had never heard before. She never missed a service
Torrential Rains and Mudslides
Thursday, 29 April 2010
by Charles
Once every few months, we have to make a road trip 3 hours away to Ambato to have our oil changed in our truck at the dealership there. Lately, however, the rains have been so hard and for so many days that it has caused many mudslides, with the mud piling into the road and
Spiritual Wickedness
Thursday, 08 April 2010
by Charles
“Never pity missionaries; envy them. For they are where the real action is — where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.” In my lifetime, I have heard numerous stories of missionaries who travel to foreign lands, build churches and the natives ‘flock’ to the services; packed out crowds come to hear
Yantana Church Finally Finished!
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
by Charles
After working hard for several months now, building doors, windows, steps, benches, altar, podium, a beautiful rock walkway, our Yantana church is finally finished!! We have laboured many hours, sweated many days, to finish this church.Our work there started a year ago in a Shuar Indian family’s home. They welcomed us to teach the Word