Adventures and Encounters

“Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is
– where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.” – Robert C. Shannon

All The Beautiful Children

2 1/2 year old Keren seeking the Holy Ghost at Puyupungo church on Monday. It’s real! She felt it before anyone else did and was the first person to come up at altar call to pray! (Her 8 yr old brother Mateo just received the Holy Ghost on Sunday at Puyo church!) Sooo beautiful!!!! Thank

Sweet Treats at Etsa Yantana

It was such a fun and special day with the children at Etsa Yantana church celebrating the New Year. Brought delicious donuts and other treats for them to enjoy; gave away sunglasses that a sweet sister had donated, and most of all, preached the good news of Jesus to them! It was such a beautiful

2 More Baptized in Jesus name!

This newlywed husband and wife decided to start their marriage off right! They received the Holy Ghost and 2 days later, they went down in a water grave in Jesus name, burying their sins forever! To now walk in the newness of Christ! Oh praise the Lord!! Acts 2:38 is happening in the Amazon! I’m

Baptized in Jesus name!

What a privilege to baptize 2 sweet children in Jesus name yesterday! Keila and her brother, Israel, both received the Holy Ghost a few months ago, and yesterday went down in the water in Jesus name! It was so beautiful and I’m so proud of them! I’m so thankful for all that the Lord has

Powerful Move of God in Llandia

Had a wonderful Bible study with this precious couple in their home recently. Sometimes when you bring the Word, maybe there’s not much response, and you’re just not sure if they even understand it or truly receive it. But then, after it’s been spoken you pray, and the power of God just swoops in like

New skirts for the Ladies

Look at these beautiful ladies! They are from the church in Puyupungo. On this day, I gave away new skirts to them. And we just had a wonderful time together! They make such sacrifices and go through such struggles just to be in the House of the Lord. I’m so proud of each one of
Absolutely beautiful! The power of the Lord touched sweet little Israel so mightily today at Talin church! This right here is what it’s all about! “For the promise is unto you and to your children…” Acts 2:39

New Jeans for Little Boys

Recently, we were able to give away blue jeans to the little boys at the church in Puyupungo. What a blessing it was to see them as they went through each pair, looking at them, measuring the jeans around their necks (that’s how they check to see if they’ll fit) and looking at them again
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Blankets for a Family

Look at these sweet little ones that Ecuador Missions provided blankets for recently! When lots of rain comes, it makes the nights very cool and many of the homes here in the Amazon jungle are not even enclosed, having no walls or walls that are not sealed off, much less have heat. So, these precious
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