Adventures and Encounters

“Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is
– where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.” – Robert C. Shannon

Happy 41 year Spiritual Birthday, MOM!

This photo is from a few years ago, but it’s still one of my favorites of me and my beautiful Mother. I’m using it today because I want to honor her on this special day. What day is it? Well, it’s not her birthday, nor her anniversary. It’s even more special than that. On this

Children’s Church at Puyupungo

The beautiful children’s church at Puyupungo. Here, we teach the Kichwa children Acts 2:38, Jesus name baptism and Holy Ghost infilling. Raising up a new generation for the Lord!! So thankful for all the little ones who come to this beautiful place!

3 Generations Baptized in Jesus name!

I had only slept 4 hours the night before, but I hurriedly walked the 6 blocks from my house to catch the bus, rode it for about 10 minutes, then walked the last 6 blocks to arrive at the church (the bus doesn’t pass by there.) As I waited for the others, I filled up
This is what quarantine looks like in the Amazon! Holy Ghost falling and filling people, souls being baptized in Jesus name, sinners repenting of their sins! Oh, Jesus is moving! (This was yesterday’s service in this precious family’s home!! This wonderful lady received the Holy Ghost and I baptized her in a beautiful river in

Beautiful Repentance Report

Jesus is moving in the Amazon! We are now on 5 months of a pandemic with strict rules and quarantine but I got this message last night with these beautiful photos that made me rejoice!! This young man lives several hours away from me, but attended my church in Puyupungo last year, where his sister
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A momma praying with her Son

You pray and hope that all you’ve taught them as a missionary will be taken to heart, and put into practice, that they’ll follow the ways of the Lord. Then you receive a photo like this. A momma praying with her son during lockdown. Oh, my heart is full! 😭❤️
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Everyone, meet Runa. I love this picture of him so much! (Not just because I took it). But it moves me every time I look at it. This is from several years ago, on a work day at Puyupungo church. And he had come to watch us work, as often the children do. I captured
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She came in the rain….

My heart broke as I dropped her off and she walked back to her house. She had come to meet me in torrential Amazon rain just to receive a bag of rice and any aid I could give her family. That’s what real necessity is. Besides a virus to defeat, overcoming hunger is high on

Ecuador, the land of my Calling

Oh, the many days and nights that I would look up world maps in encyclopedias and admire the shape and area of this place. Before I ever arrived here, but with the call of God already on my life, I was so in love with a land and a people that I had never seen.