Adventures and Encounters

“Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is
– where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.” – Robert C. Shannon

He gave his Favorite to God!

When I was in the States in the fall, I was so happy to be hosted by one of my wonderful supporting churches in Hammond, LA. We had an incredible service and afterwards sat around singing and playing music for a while. It was just a great time of fellowship! Before we left, Pastor Gary

Two Swords

This sword will help me stay on the right path to get to where I’m going. This sword will protect me from any critters I may encounter along the way. This sword will also help to sow and/or harvest food that I need for my strength on the journey. This sword will help me in
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First Church we built in Ecuador

This is the very first church that we ever built in Ecuador, in sector Puyupungo. It was the most beautiful building I’d ever seen!! Mud floor, thatched roof, bamboo walls. The beautiful House of God. It no longer stands, we now have a beautiful cement block building there, but it will always be so special

Mateo and Damian

These darling children at Puyupungo church were so happy to receive these cacao’s! They came over when I arrived and watched me work, talking and laughing! They truly blessed my heart! And you just don’t get any cuter than they are!!! ❤️
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Worshipping at Puyupungo church

Beautiful Kichwa worshipping Jesus at the church in Puyupungo. ❤️ Acts 2:38 is still being preached in the Amazon. And we continue daily, Reaching Ecuador, One Soul at a Time!
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Puyo church Congregation Feb. 2020

Look at these beautiful people in our Puyo church yesterday! (Some had already left, so we’re missing a few in the pic.) Everybody is welcome in the House of the Lord because everyone deserves to know about Jesus and the mercy and salvation that He gives and wants all to have! Amen!Oh! The Lord moved

My own Yo-Yo!!

Just a few of the comments from the children at the recent giveaway. They were absolutely overcome with excitement and joy in receiving their toys and treats.“Marbles!! Sis Susan, we love playing with marbles! And it’s not just ONE marble, it’s a whole bunch of marbles!” “Coca Cola!! I got a coca cola!! Me, too!!I
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Jungle Church, In Memory of Dave

My family and I were involved in music ministry and travelled all over singing and ministering, recording cd’s, since around 1987. What an absolutely incredible time we had all those years on the road for Jesus, making beautiful music for our Lord. Then at National Quarter Convention in 1993, we met Dave Wilcox. He was an
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Crayons and Rubik’s Cubes

We handed out gift bags at my church in Yantana this week, and I asked these 2 boys what their favorite thing was that they received, and they both immediately said, “THIS”, showing me their Rubik’s cubes! It made my heart melt to see their smiles over having their first ever Rubik’s cube!! (I loved
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