Adventures and Encounters

“Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is
– where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.” – Robert C. Shannon

The Call

Sunday was a special day for me. It’s the day the Lord called me to Ecuador! Feb 17, 1987. I’ll never forget it and I will always celebrate it! It was not His time for me to come in 1987. It was many years later that He had me move here. But the Call was

Color Blind

I love this photo! The beautiful Waorani children put their hands together with mine. Several kept saying how white I was! 😀 Some even said they’d never seen a white person before! But it didn’t matter the color of our skin. The love of Jesus went beyond that, because it has no boundaries and no preferences. It

My Brother

When the Lord called me to Ecuador many years ago, I was more than willing to go. I wasn’t sure exactly all the details of God’s plan, so I just started preparing myself to be the missionary He had called me to be. As those years of preparation went by, the Lord sent me on

Sacrifice? Say rather it is a privilege

David Livingstone said, “For my own part, I have never ceased to rejoice that God has appointed me to such an office. People talk of the sacrifice I have made in spending so much of my life in Africa. Is that a sacrifice which brings its own blest reward in healthful activity, the consciousness of

Radio Interview

I had the privelege of being interviewed about my work in Ecuador by Andy Napier of TWR360 for his Footsteps radio program. What an honor! I so enjoyed sharing with him my love for Ecuador and its people, and all that the Lord is doing here. He did such an amazing job on the production!

A Mirror

Yesterday I was teaching the precious people at my church in Puyupungo about being ‘doers’ of the Word, and not just ‘hearers’. The Scripture compares it to a man who sees himself in the mirror, considers how he looks, and then walks away forgetting what he saw in the shiny glass. I’ve heard these Scriptures

Jesus loves everyONE!

Beautiful Kichwa Indians at our church in Puyupungo. Jesus loves every tribe, every nation, every color, every tongue!

Cokes, Cookies and Jesus

Reaching souls in the jungle. By whatever means necessary. Cokes, cookies, and Jesus was today’s theme at Puyupungo church. Little Abigail raised her hands in worship praising the Lord, and afterwards enjoyed her treats! Acts 2.38 is happening in the Amazon!

Jungle Life

Jungle life. With people that I love. Telling them about the One I love the most! ❤️🙌 It don’t get any better than this! (In this photo beautiful Pirish and Aja; yes, she’s wearing a sloth!)