Adventures and Encounters

“Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is
– where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.” – Robert C. Shannon

How Beautiful are the Feet!!

This precious lady is Sis. Gloria, from our Talin church. She is a wonderful singer and loves Jesus so much. I wrote a song about her a few years ago, that my family recorded, called, “When She Sings”. She has blessed my heart numerous times singing and worshiping the Lord in our services here. The

Tarantula in Talin!

Yep, another tarantula in the Talin church! He was on the back wall during service! lol I think he likes praising and worshiping Jesus! lol In Spanish, they call this one, ponzoña, which just means poison!! lol! In other words, stay away from it!! It sure is an adventure here in the Amazon! Love serving

The Valiant Waorani Lady

While in el centro today, I met a Waorani lady. She told me that she and her 10 year old granddaughter had walked to Puyo from her community, because her granddaughter was sick. I knew that was far, because the Waorani communities are a good distance from Puyo. She said they had walked for 3

In His Presence, for the Very First Time

On Wednesday night Dec 9, we were invited by a new family to their home in Veracruz to share the Word of the Lord. We were so excited. Another open door. More people to hear His word. More people to know about Jesus. We began to sing praises and worship the Lord in that home

Living to the Hilt the Will of God

“Wherever you are, be ALL there. Live to the HILT every situation you believe to be the Will of God.” When the Lord called me to be a Missionary, there were some who couldn’t understand why I’d leave a beautiful, blessed America to come to a third world country and teach indigenous people about Jesus.

He even Unstops the Ears of the Deaf

This is what missionary work, for me, is all about. Beautiful Monica, in this photo, is not just weeping in the presence of the Lord, as in a regular service. It’s so much more than that! Her story is so much more powerful!!!! A few months ago, Monica was losing her hearing. It’s been happening

Jesus IS!

Jesus said in John 14:6- “I am THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE…..” If you are seeking for the right WAY to go, Jesus is THE WAY! If you are searching for the TRUTH, Jesus is THE TRUTH! If you are looking for real LIFE, want to change your life, are not happy in

Tarantula on a Tambourine!

Yesterday we had children’s service at Yantana church, our beautiful Shuar Indians. We prayed and gave thanks to the Lord and I immediately picked up the tambourine to play it and sing a song. Just grabbed it real quick, and started wailing on that tambourine! I was singing my heart out and I noticed the

Home in Ecuador from U.S. Tour

After spending a month in the U.S., travelling and ministering in many churches, I have arrived safely back home in Ecuador! Although I so enjoyed my time there fellowshipping with all the brethren and wonderful supporters of our work, Oh, how my heart was longing to be back here with the beautiful Ecuadorians that I