Seeing Angels
Sunday, 26 January 2014
The other day at Puyupungo church, during the service while everyone was worshiping and praying and dancing and enjoying the presence of the Lord, Sisa, too, was crying and worshipping beautifully. I went by to pray for her and she said she felt the presence of the Lord powerfully. A short time after that, Sisa
2014 U.S. Tour
Saturday, 25 January 2014
Charles and I will be in the U.S. visiting many churches for the months of April and May. We are looking forward to a wonderful and blessed trip, sharing the goodness of Jesus!!! Come be in service with us somewhere!!! It’s gonna’ be great! March 31, Monday- Bantayan Island, Philippines, (12 day preaching trip) April
- Published in Church, Tour 2014, U.S.A. Tours
Whatever It Takes
Sunday, 19 January 2014
For 2 weeks now, Charles has been sick with pneumonia, so he has been at home in bed, recovering. We have services 6 days a week in our churches, so Jenny and I have gone for 2 weeks now to the churches preaching. I have preached, sang, drove the car to pick up people and
But the labourers are few.
Saturday, 11 January 2014
I recently made a visit to Yantana. Went to many homes, inviting people who don’t know the Lord to come to church. As I talked with each of them, I was so overwhelmed by what I was hearing. One had had a dream of the Lord’s return; another knew she needed help in her life
- Published in Church, Daily Life, People, Spiritual
Worshiping Jesus in Puyupungo – Video
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Giving Jesus all the praise!
Her Tears spoke louder than any Words could
Wednesday, 18 December 2013
Yesterday I made visits to the families in Yantana. There are many families in which the children are the only ones who come to church. So I especially went to visit and invite the parents. Raquel’s family was one of those. Her mom was home and I talked to her about Jesus and how wonderful
- Published in Church, Daily Life, People, Spiritual
There is POWER in the name of JESUS!!
Sunday, 15 December 2013
I have known this to be true, as long as I have served the Lord. But I also have SEEN this to be true here in Ecuador. One day, a new man visited our church in Talin for the first time. As service was going on, the church really began to pray and worship the
Yemitza and her ‘Tiny Shovel’
Friday, 06 December 2013
Yemitza helped me work at Puyupungo church a few weeks ago. We planted 75 yucca, planted 40 pineapples, harvested yucca, and even dug a ditch, all with a trowel! Yemitza had the best time that day, laughing and enjoying herself as we worked, but mostly, she LOVED that trowel!!! She called it a ‘tiny shovel’.
- Published in Church, Daily Life, People, Spiritual
My Heart’s Desire
Saturday, 23 November 2013
“The longing of my heart is to make known my glorious Redeemer to those who have never heard.” – William Burns That’s all I long for. That’s all I aim to do in this lifetime. That’s all I dream of, all I think of, day in and day out. Tell people about Jesus. Let them