Jesus Was In The House!
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Today we had service at Puyupungo church. It is one of our jungle churches, made of wood. Some of the boards in the church are wearing out, and today as I was preaching, really giving it my all, I stepped on a board, and it broke into, so yep, my left leg fell all the
Do YOU love the Lord????
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Today, we had to take the bus to Puyupungo church. Work is being done at our house in the garage area by the owners, so we can’t get out with our car. No problem, we don’t mind the bus at all. But without our car, that means we can’t take people to church. So, our
I’m Sorry, Martha
Monday, 04 November 2013
*This blog was written by our sister, Ann, who lives in Tennessee, after we told her of Martha, who is a Shuar Indian in our Yantana church.* Recently at a fellowship meeting I heard a man say that it is not necessary for Christians to tell others about Jesus. He went on to say
- Published in Church, Daily Life, People, Spiritual
Real missionary work is not for wimps!
Friday, 01 November 2013
Yesterday and today we worked very hard at Yantana and Puyupungo churches. My part at both places included: cutting the tall grass on the outside all the way around the fences with a machete; then lugging I don’t know how many gallons of water and chemical on my back fumigating; weed-eating grass; helping Charles cut
- Published in Daily Life, Spiritual
Two Spoons
Tuesday, 29 October 2013
A few weeks ago, Jen and I went to visit a family in the jungle. They anticipated our arrival and prepared a meal for us, watusa (which looks kinda like a big nutria rat) and green plantains, all of it boiled in water, cooked over an open fire. It was so kind! They offered us
I must work the works of Him that sent me!
Monday, 21 October 2013
Work has begun on the new lot in Puyo, where we will build our Puyo church! This is the only church we do not own. We have rented for nearly 6 years now, and finally were able to purchase a small lot in August. We are sooo excited! Although, we do not have the funds
Children Coloring – Video
Sunday, 13 October 2013
Childrens church in Yantana, Ecuador.
How shall they Believe if they have not Heard??
Wednesday, 09 October 2013
Jesus clearly teaches us in His Word to GO into all the world, and preach the Gospel. He did not say, ‘Build a church and WAIT for them to come’. He said, ‘GO’. Get up. Find them. Do something. There are souls lost, dying, without Jesus. Go and reach them. Go tell them Jesus saves,
- Published in Church, Daily Life, People, Spiritual
We’ve been ROBBED!
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Jesus is moving in Ecuador and the devil is mad!!! So, he had to show his ugly face! Yesterday, 2 people entered Charles and Jen’s apartment and stole valuable items. How do I know it was 2 of them? There are fingerprints all over the house; the window they entered through and the one they
- Published in Daily Life, People, Spiritual