Adventures and Encounters

“Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is
– where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.” – Robert C. Shannon

I was listening to a song this morning while cleaning up my house, and it’s a song I’ve heard a few times and enjoy, but as always, I really gave a good listen to the lyrics and as I’m singing along, it says, “This journey has been weary…..” and then quickly, I stop washing dishes and

Loving on the children at Puyupungo!

I love big hugs! And to know that we taught these children the love of Jesus, how to be affectionate and kind and show love to each other, just makes my heart swell. So each time they hug us or say “Te quiero, Hermana” it truly means something so special to me!!!! I sure do

We have LAND in Puyo!!

We are sooo excited that the Lord has provided us with a lot in Puyo!!!!! For almost 6 years now, we have rented a place for the Puyo church. Land in this town is very expensive, so we never had the funds to buy (small lots are anywhere from $60,000-$150,000!!! ) But we kept looking,

Some say that we’re Crazy! LOL!!!!

“Some say that we’re crazy to go away from home to a far and distant land where there’s souls to be won….” (The Mission Song, c. 2010 The Templet Family) It’s true! There are some who thought we were crazy for leaving it all behind, others who said “why don’t you just preach in America?”,

More Blessed to Give than to Receive

What a joy it was blessing families today with rice, so their children have enough to eat! It’s a honor to serve the Lord and something special GIVING to others! These are a few of the people we blessed today!!!

Hell is NOT a Party!!!

I heard two people talking the other day, and the young woman said, “I’m going to Hell, aren’t I?” Her young friend’s response, with a big smile on his face was, “I’ll save you a seat.” People so casually talk about Hell as if it’s a place of living it up, sheer fun, and just

Never Forget

“Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire??? Yet my people have forgotten Me days without number.” Jeremiah 2:32 I wake up each morning with Jesus on my mind. He is the center of my thoughts all the day long. I talk with him, I walk with Him all day, and He

Go Ye into ALL the World

Missionary Charles, his wife Missionary Jenny, and Missionary Susan, obeying the call to “Go Ye…..” and preach this gospel to those who have never heard, that souls might be won into the kingdom! We have lived by the old song that says, “Where He leads me I will follow.” No, we have never been afraid…because
Seeing my brother, Charles, and his wife, Jenny, praying in the altar last night at Puyo church was such a beautiful sight to behold. Charles is so tender, and seeing him weep and hearing his burden for the lost souls of Ecuador moved me to tears! He and Jenny prayed and cried out to the