Adventures and Encounters

“Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is
– where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.” – Robert C. Shannon

Jesus, My Healer!

A short time ago while in the USA, I came down with a terrible cough that would not stop, and that lasted nearly a month. After I finally got over the cough, I began to notice that I would get hoarse or even lose my voice completely while worshiping or preaching. And it was much
Yesterday was a beautiful morning, clear sky, sun shining. Perfect day. I woke up praising the Lord, as always, and started getting things together to go work at Yantana church in the beautiful yucca plants we have there. My plan was to work, then pray at the church for a while afterwards, and then do
As I stepped onto the roof this evening to wash my clothes (that’s where I do laundry), my mouth fell wide open in awe as I beheld the stunning view of Volcano Sangay and Volcano El Altar, snow capped and standing so tall and proud, in all their glory. Yes, I’ve lived here for 7

Tears on the Altar

Some of our beautiful Kichwa Indian young people praying in the altar, crying out to the Lord, at our Puyupungo church. So beautiful are the tears that fall on these wooden altars! Jesus sees every one and hears every prayer! The Lord is moving in Ecuador!

Nothing more Beautiful

There is nothing more beautiful to me than children praying and crying in the presence of the Lord. Tonight’s service at Puyo was just that! Esmeralda is only 6, and her family does not come to church, but every chance she gets, she is here and she always weeps in His presence. Mayde is 10.

Willing to Leave it all Behind

At church in Talin today, the message the Lord gave me to preach was about brothers who, when Jesus passed by and called them, left everything to go and follow Him. The question is: How many are willing to give it all up, to leave behind everything, if so be necessary, to follow the Lord?

The Harvest is Plenty!

Today we worked in the garden at our Puyupungo church. I love getting my hands dirty and searching for beautiful yucca that have grown underneath the ground.  Our sugar cane are enormous (many about 11 feet tall), our banana trees are gigantic (about 20-25 feet tall, but they take about 9 months to produce one
While picking up folks for church at Talin on Saturday, I saw a huge brown tarantula crawling on the ground outside. (They are common and we have seen many, especially in Talin, but still, it’s a tarantula! So each time we see one, we still get all excited, and yell “Tarantula”!:-) But this time, I

Of such is the Kingdom of Heaven

After a long day and church in the afternoon at Puyupungo, I arrived to my home tonight, very tired and ready to relax. But as soon as I sat down, I heard 3 sweet voices calling out my name at my door, “Hermana Susana”. It was 8PM at night, and they had walked here (30