Adventures and Encounters

“Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is
– where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.” – Robert C. Shannon

And ye shall receive POWER!

Jesus gave power unto His disciples to go and preach and heal the sick and cast out devils. He has given us that same power, the power of the Holy Ghost! And we are using that power for His glory! Hallelujah!! Tonight, in our Puyo service, we prayed in the power of the Holy Ghost

The Wages of Sin is Death

What a great message Charles preached at Talin yesterday, Romans 6:23, “The wages of sin is death….” He taught the people to realize that even the smallest sin could be hindering their walk with God, and slowly bring them to a spiritual death, and eventually an eternity in Hell, a lake of fire. What a

They that have not Heard

This past Tuesday, I had to do a few tasks around the church yard, so I asked Jenny to teach the children at our Yantana church. As I worked outside, I could hear the children singing, repeating Scriptures they had learned and listening to the Bible lesson Jenny was teaching. My heart couldn’t help but

The Thief Cometh Not But…

We were up until midnight last night praying and casting devils out of a young woman. Hundreds came out of her. We praise Jesus for what He’s doing here!! If you have never seen devils being cast out before, it’s heartbreaking the torment that the devil puts them through, how their bodies are literally twisted
A little bit of praise and a beautiful testimony of how the Lord Jesus called Sis. Susan to be a Missionary to Ecuador.

March 12, 1981

March 12, 1981 is a memorable day for me. I honor it every year. You see, I was born on March 21, 1968. But on March 12, 1981, I was BORN AGAIN (as in John 3)!! As a 12 year old girl, on this unforgettable day, I received the Holy Ghost with the evidence of

Children Playing Games – Video

A few of the children from our church in Puyupungo playing games.

Tour 2013

I will be travelling to the U.S. in April and May to preach and visit our supporting churches. Charles and Jenny will stay here in Ecuador to take care of the churches. This is my current tour schedule. I look forward to seeing all of you and praising the Lord together with you! I know

Children Of Talin, Ecuador – Video

A short video of our childrens class at our church in Talin, Pastaza, Ecuador.