Sugar Cane Market
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Just down the street from our home is this Sugar Cane Market. There you will find sugar cane in many forms, such as; Cut into small sections for easy transport; peeled, bagged and ready to eat; as a juice; made into a type of brown sugar and other things.
- Published in Daily Life, With Pics
Singing Llename – Tour 2012 – Video
Tuesday, 01 January 2013
Missionaries Susan and Charles Templet singing a song in Spanish at Faith Apostolic Church in Holden, LA during their 2012 USA tour.
Kids Class in Puyupungo, Ecuador – Video
Friday, 21 December 2012
Teaching and singing with the children at our church in Puyupungo. And our parents participating and helping out. We had the children say in English “Jesus Lives”. What a great day!
Angels All Around
Tuesday, 06 November 2012
While in service at Talin church recently, we had a great move of God. Souls were praying, weeping before the Lord, repenting, being blessed. It was powerful! As I walked to and fro throughout the church praying with souls, proclaiming the power of the Lord in the House, I prayed for a young girl who
God Is Bigger Than That! – Video
Thursday, 01 November 2012
Sis. Susan giving a word and singing God Is Bigger in Hillsboro, TN.
“…..There’s shoes on my feet….”
Friday, 19 October 2012
When we went to the U.S. in May and June this year, we were guest missionaries at Christ Apostolic Church in Portland, TN. In one of our services there, as offering was being received by Pastor Barnes, a sweet grandmother brought up her little granddaughter to give in the offering plate. This beautiful little girl
- Published in Church, Daily Life, People, Spiritual, Tour 2012
Para Hermana Susana
Thursday, 18 October 2012
The smallest things in life are almost always the most rewarding. I don’t look for someone to ‘pat’ me on the back, someone important to say I’m doing a great job here. No, my joy comes from just knowing that I’ve made a difference in a little one’s life here. Like with these girls, Jessica
- Published in Church, Daily Life, People
EM Tour 2012 Slideshow
Monday, 08 October 2012
A picture slideshow of the EM 2012 USA tour. Background music by The Templet Family Band.
Anyone Thirsty????
Monday, 08 October 2012
One day last week, we were leaving the Puyupungo church and taking the children home. About 10 minutes into the ride, the children asked me if I’d stop at a nearby watering hole. (This pit is used for washing dishes and washing clothes). So, I said, “Sure, I’ll stop”. When I did, I saw a
- Published in Church, Daily Life, People, With Pics