Adventures and Encounters

“Never pity missionaries; envy them. They are where the real action is
– where life and death, sin and grace, Heaven and Hell converge.” – Robert C. Shannon

Testimony – Three Hebrew Boys – Video

Sis. Susan speaking about the three Hebrew boys that were throw in the fiery furnace.
Sis. Susan and Bro. Charles singing at Wind of Pentecost Apostolic Church (WOPAC), Brush Creek, TN.
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“Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.‘ St Mark 16.:15 Everyone deserves to hear the Gospel of Jesus, whatever it takes to reach them. I have met a few deaf people here in Ecuador, and since I know only a few signs, my skills are not good enough to
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Sowing Seeds, Literally:-)

What a thoughtful gift we received in the mail today!! Roberta Wilburn sent us seeds!!!!! She purchased them through a specialty company, who offers many varieties, and she has sent us some seeds to try here in the Rainforest, in hopes of having other forms of nourishment for our people. I’m so excited about this
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Praise Is Comely! – Video

Sis. Susan sharing a word on ‘Praise’ with the congregation at Christ Apostolic Church.

Diapers are here!!!!

We were so blessed to receive in the mail yesterday the most adorable diapers I have ever seen!!!!!! Diapers for Missions (Sis Racheal and Sis Joy Holloway) sent us the cutest diapers for babies! They are so talented and made these adorable diapers, all which seal with velcro, in so many colors and designs. I
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LET them help YOU

I pride myself in being independent, and not having to ask for help from others. There are some things, though, that I just can’t do, you know, because “I’m a girl”, as my brother Charles says:-) But I will give just about anything a try!! Well, today was one of those days I was feeling

Jesus Use Me – Video

Susan Templet (Ecuador Missions) singing ‘Jesus Use Me’ at Wind of Pentecost church in Brush Creek, TN.
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Missions Testimony – Video

Susan testifying of the works in Ecuador.
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