Color Blind
Saturday, 02 February 2019
by Susan
I love this photo! The beautiful Waorani children put their hands together with mine. Several kept saying how white I was! 😀 Some even said they’d never seen a white person before! But it didn’t matter the color of our skin. The love of Jesus went beyond that, because it has no boundaries and no preferences. It
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Puyo Church Construction Advances!
Saturday, 27 December 2014
by Susan
The new Puyo church is coming right along! We are so excited for the progress made by the workers. Today a couple of them are laying ceramic tile inside and another working outside leveling the small yard area, that will extend to the security wall, which will be built around the church. They have truly
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The devil Stole it, so Take it Back!!!
Friday, 05 July 2013
by Susan
Yesterday was a beautiful morning, clear sky, sun shining. Perfect day. I woke up praising the Lord, as always, and started getting things together to go work at Yantana church in the beautiful yucca plants we have there. My plan was to work, then pray at the church for a while afterwards, and then do
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Tears on the Altar
Wednesday, 03 July 2013
by Susan
Some of our beautiful Kichwa Indian young people praying in the altar, crying out to the Lord, at our Puyupungo church. So beautiful are the tears that fall on these wooden altars! Jesus sees every one and hears every prayer! The Lord is moving in Ecuador!
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