Camila can write her Name
Thursday, 11 July 2019
by Susan
Yesterday at Yantana children’s church, I asked them to write their names on their drawings and sweet Camila said she didn’t know how. So, I taught her to write her name. She did so good; she wrote it a few times, so I took a picture of her with her paper (she was so bashful),
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Blessings of Guavas
Saturday, 30 March 2019
by Susan
We have fruit trees planted at most of our churches for the children to enjoy or for families in need. Yesterday at Yantana, the guava tree was loaded! So, the children were happy to receive several after service! Daniel, Ella and Mileydy are in the photo with some of their guavas! Jesus makes our fruit
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Jesus loves the little Children
Saturday, 16 March 2019
by Susan
Look at these sweet children at Puyo church presenting their song to the congregation that they learned in Sunday School! They’re so adorable and I’m so proud of them! Jesus is blessing our churches so much! Hallelujah!
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“…..There’s shoes on my feet….”
Friday, 19 October 2012
by Ecuador Missions
When we went to the U.S. in May and June this year, we were guest missionaries at Christ Apostolic Church in Portland, TN. In one of our services there, as offering was being received by Pastor Barnes, a sweet grandmother brought up her little granddaughter to give in the offering plate. This beautiful little girl
- Published in Church, Daily Life, People, Spiritual, Tour 2012
Para Hermana Susana
Thursday, 18 October 2012
by Ecuador Missions
The smallest things in life are almost always the most rewarding. I don’t look for someone to ‘pat’ me on the back, someone important to say I’m doing a great job here. No, my joy comes from just knowing that I’ve made a difference in a little one’s life here. Like with these girls, Jessica
- Published in Church, Daily Life, People