The Family That Prays Together….
Friday, 25 August 2023
by Ann Templet
It blesses me to see families praying together in my churches. God created family. He knew the power that would come from a strong, praying family. The devil has seen strongholds, generational curses, chains that have been broken by Godly families. Therefore, one of his strongest attacks is against family. But this right here, families
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Baptizing in Jesus Name
Sunday, 13 August 2023
by Ann Templet
What an honor it was to baptize this husband and wife from our Puyo Church, in the precious Name of Jesus. They have decided, along with their children, to serve the Lord together as a family. What you don’t see in the pictures is that we barely made it out of the water before a
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Center of Your Home
Tuesday, 11 July 2023
by Ann Templet
As a Missionary, one of my favorite things to do is go into homes and teach people about Jesus. Although I have 4 churches that I pastor, my heart still swells anytime we are able to gather in someone’s home and Worship the Lord together. I have seen it time and again, when you allow
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Happy Father’s Day!
Friday, 30 June 2023
by Ann Templet
We are blessed with some great men of God in our Puyo Church. We were so excited to honor them on Sunday for Father’s Day. We also had a visitor from Colombia with us! This young man, who is a dad, also, was walking by the church, heard us Worshipping and was moved to come
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Church in a Club
Monday, 12 June 2023
by Ann Templet
During the expansion of our Puyo Church, we had to find a temporary building to use for services. After much prayer and fasting the Lord led me to a particular building. This location used to be a Nightclub. “Oh you shouldn’t have church in a Nightclub…” was one of the comments I heard from several
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