My own Yo-Yo!!
Wednesday, 15 January 2020
by Susan
Just a few of the comments from the children at the recent giveaway. They were absolutely overcome with excitement and joy in receiving their toys and treats.“Marbles!! Sis Susan, we love playing with marbles! And it’s not just ONE marble, it’s a whole bunch of marbles!” “Coca Cola!! I got a coca cola!! Me, too!!I
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Termites Everywhere!!
Monday, 04 November 2019
by Susan
Not 1, not 2, but 4 termites nests in our children’s church at Etsa Yantana this week!! 😳 Every week we have to clean down nests, so this was no surprise! The termites are terrible in the jungle and sure love the wood this building is made of! We have sprayed numerous times using different oils, diesel,
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Another Adventurous Day
Tuesday, 06 August 2019
by Susan
To go to my community churches, I usually leave my home around 2 or 2:15 in the afternoon. In the mornings, I do visitations, office work, go buy things the churches or people need, prayer time and preaching preparation, and much more. Today, I worked in the office. I had a lot to do and
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Honoring the Dad’s at Puyo church
Thursday, 04 July 2019
by Susan
Honored the Dad’s at our church in Puyo on Sunday. I was in the U.S. on Father’s Day but wanted to make sure that the Dad’s in Ecuador were honored, too, so I did a special part of the service for them on Sunday. I’m so proud of the Dad’s in our churches and encouraged
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Going home after Church!
Thursday, 18 April 2019
by Susan
Taking people to the bus stop so they can go home after church service in Puyo! 🙌🙌 I’m so humbled by the sacrifice that some make in coming to church so it’s a joy for me to help them out and bring them to the bus stop afterwards. If they don’t have bus fare, Jesus provides and
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