Mateo and Damian
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
by Susan
These darling children at Puyupungo church were so happy to receive these cacao’s! They came over when I arrived and watched me work, talking and laughing! They truly blessed my heart! And you just don’t get any cuter than they are!!! ❤️
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Worshipping at Puyupungo church
Friday, 20 March 2020
by Susan
Beautiful Kichwa worshipping Jesus at the church in Puyupungo. ❤️ Acts 2:38 is still being preached in the Amazon. And we continue daily, Reaching Ecuador, One Soul at a Time!
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Crayons and Rubik’s Cubes
Tuesday, 24 December 2019
by Susan
We handed out gift bags at my church in Yantana this week, and I asked these 2 boys what their favorite thing was that they received, and they both immediately said, “THIS”, showing me their Rubik’s cubes! It made my heart melt to see their smiles over having their first ever Rubik’s cube!! (I loved
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I’ll swim to Church!
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
by Susan
There is a precious lady that attends one of my jungle churches and she’s always faithful. She never misses church, because she loves it! She lives in a beautiful spot in the jungle, right next to the river. So when the river rises it can sometimes make it complicated for her to get to church.
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Going home after Church!
Thursday, 18 April 2019
by Susan
Taking people to the bus stop so they can go home after church service in Puyo! 🙌🙌 I’m so humbled by the sacrifice that some make in coming to church so it’s a joy for me to help them out and bring them to the bus stop afterwards. If they don’t have bus fare, Jesus provides and
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