Street Vendors
Saturday, 22 October 2011
by Charles
This is mostly a photo blog today. I wanted to show you all some of the different street vendors we have here in Puyo. The main photo above is three different food vendors(click to enlarge). They each sell something different. One sells Pinchos and Choclos, one sells Salchipapas, and the other, something that resembles a
- Published in Daily Life, With Pics
Blogs, And The Lack Of.
Thursday, 06 October 2011
by Charles
There are so many times when we make purchases for children or families, buying food, clothes, school supplies, shoes, that there is no way for us to document in words or photos each of these moments. I would have to stay with the camera to my eye and Susan in front of the computer at all times. 🙂
- Published in Daily Life, With Pics
Shopping in the TIA store – Video
Friday, 18 March 2011
by Charles
Get a view of the inside of our “big” local store here in Puyo and learn the prices of many items and compare to the average monthly income in this region.
- Published in Daily Life, Video