God’s Promises
Friday, 29 December 2023
by Ann Templet
This Beautiful rainbow graced the sky after service recently at Puyupungo Church. It was breathtaking. So bold and beautiful, and almost hovering near the church. I worshipped Jesus as I admired its beauty. And I praised Him that He’s faithful and always keeps His promises! Genesis 9:13 I do set my bow in the clouds
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More and More of Jesus
Thursday, 14 December 2023
by Ann Templet
The jungle community of Puyupungo is not on a map. The Church here has no running water, no electricity, no fancy carpet or padded pews. But Jesus is here! And His Presence filled the room as ten-year-old Sammy sang from her heart. With only a tambourine for accompaniment, I cannot imagine any accomplished singer, in
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Not on the Map
Friday, 01 September 2023
by Ann Templet
Puyupungo, Ecuador is not on a world map. You can’t find it on GPS. Oh but Jesus knows exactly where it is! He knows these precious people by name. He sees and hears every word as they bow before Him offering Him both their Praise and their burdens! What a great honor to be a
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Children’s Church at Puyupungo
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
by Susan
The beautiful children’s church at Puyupungo. Here, we teach the Kichwa children Acts 2:38, Jesus name baptism and Holy Ghost infilling. Raising up a new generation for the Lord!! So thankful for all the little ones who come to this beautiful place!
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First Church we built in Ecuador
Wednesday, 01 April 2020
by Susan
This is the very first church that we ever built in Ecuador, in sector Puyupungo. It was the most beautiful building I’d ever seen!! Mud floor, thatched roof, bamboo walls. The beautiful House of God. It no longer stands, we now have a beautiful cement block building there, but it will always be so special
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